The main task of the Scientific Advisory Board is to gain comprehensive information about the interdependencies of wheel-tracks, investigate and analyze, to understand the dynamics and processes of passing trains, while investigating phenomena occurring in safety, reduce wear, condition-based maintenance and noise reduction. The strategic partnership between the members of the Scientific Advisory Board and INNOtec Systems GmbH creates a unique opportunity to conduct basic research on this so central interface for the railways and to this positon strategically corresponding with this research topic in science and practice. Scientific Advisory Board members are:
Prof. Gao Xiaorong
Southwest Jiaotong University
Institut für optische Elektronik / Opto-electric Engineering Institute
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Prof. Dr. Peter G. Blaschke
TH Wildau (FH) / Technical University of Applied Sciences in Wildau
Fakultät Maschinenbau / Mechanical Engineering and Acoustics
Wildau, Germany
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eberhard Hohnecker
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institut für Straßen- und Eisenbahnwesen/ Department of Railway Systems
Karlsruhe, Germany